انتشارات Steve Jackson Games

GURPS Classic: Mars
James L. Cambias, 2002
GURPS Traveller
Loren Wiseman, 2002
GURPS Classic: Black Ops: A Minor Emergency
Gene Seabolt, 2004
GURPS Classic: Mars: Rescue Mission
James L. Cambias, 2004
GURPS Weird War II: The Secret of the Gneisenau
Dennis Detwiller, 2004
GURPS Classic: Technomancer: Funny New Guys
Ed Wisniowski, 2004
GURPS 4th edition. Banestorm
Phil Masters, Jonathan Woodward, 2006
GURPS 4th edition. Caravan to Ein Arris
Creede and Sharleen Lambard, 2006
GURPS 4th edition. Dungeon Fantasy 10: Taverns
Jason "PK" Levine, Loren Wiseman, 2010
GURPS 4th edition. MacGuffin Alphabet
Stefan Jones, 2007
GURPS 4th edition. Magic
Steve Jackson, S. John Ross, Daniel U. Thibault, 2006
GURPS 4th edition. Martial Arts
Sean Punch, Peter V. Dell'Orto, 2007
GURPS 4th edition. Mysteries
Lisa J. Steele, 2005
GURPS 4th edition. Power-Ups 1: Imbuements
Sean Punch, 2008
GURPS 4th edition. Space
Jon F Zeigler, James L Cambias, Wil Upchurch, 2006
GURPS 4th edition. Space: Planetary Record and Worksheet
Jon F. Zeigler, James L. Cambias, 2006
GURPS 4th edition. Spaceships
David L. Pulver, 2007
GURPS 4th edition. Thaumatology: Magical Styles
Sean Punch, 2009
GURPS Classic: IOU: It's Not Just a Game
Darius Garsys, 2004
Transhuman Space: Singapore Sling
David Morgan-Mar, 2004
GURPS Traveller: Flare Star
J. Andrew Keith, William H. Keith, Jr., 2004
GURPS 4th edition. Boardroom and Curia
Matt Riggsby, 2015
GURPS 4th edition. Transhuman Space: Bioroid Bazaar
Phil Masters, 2015