انتشارات Studio Emka

Jak doskonalić siebie i wywierać wpływ na życie innych
Dale Carnegie, 2013
Biznes po prostu
Leszek Czarnecki, 2011
iWoz. Od komputerowego geeka do kultowej ikony
Steve Wozniak, Gina Smith, 2009
Karol Marks, Kapitał: współczesne interpretacje klasycznej ekonomii
Steve Shipside, 2012
A Janika
Csáth Géza, 2006
Phil Woods Improvised Saxophone Solos
Phil Woods, Trent Kynaston, 1981
Ravenloft - Dungeon Master's Guide
Jackie Cassada, 2003
Quantum Dreams: The Art of Stephan Martiniere
Stephan Martiniere, Scott Robertson, 2004
Crush It! Why Now is the Time to Cash in on your Passion
Gary Vaynerchuk, 2009
Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion
Gary Vaynerchuk, 2009
Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion
Gary Vaynerchuk, 2009
Aerospace engineering & aerodynamics (concepts, elements and applications)
Immanuel Dill; Lilliana Wimberly, 2012
Difesa del cristianesimo (Apologeticum)
Quinto Settimio Florente TERTULLIANO, 2008
A Chancellor
Jules Verne, 2006
A Cynthia hajótöröttje
Jules Verne, 2006
A gőzház
Jules Verne, 2006
A jég sphinx
Jules Verne, 2006
A két Kip testvér
Jules Verne, 2006
A zöld sugár
Jules Verne, 2006
Dai Vernon's inner secrets of card magic
Lewis Ganson, 1959
Vilppu Drawing Manual
Glenn Vilppu, 1997
Concept Design: Works from Seven Los Angeles Entertainment Designers
Harold Belker, 2003