انتشارات Suny Press

Borowicz, 2014
Borowicz, 2014
Modern and Global Ayurveda: Pluralism and Paradigms
Dagmar Wujastyk, 2008
Parapsychology, philosophy, and spirituality : a postmodern exploration
David Ray Griffin, 1997
Aristotle, the collected papers of Joseph Owens
Joseph Owens, John R. Catan, 1981
Drama in the People's Republic of China
Constantine Tung, Colin Mackerras, 1987
Amending the Abject Body: Aesthetic Makeovers in Medicine and Culture
Deborah Caslav Covino, 2004
Language as Sin and Salvation: A Lectura of Inferno 18: Bernardo Lecture Series, No. 19
Barański, Zygmunt G, 2014
Eco-phenomenology: back to the earth itself
Charles S. Brown, Ted Toadvine, 2003
Choice and morality in anthropological perspective: essays in honor of Derek Freeman
George N. Appell, T. N. Madan, 1988
Globalization and the environment: greening global political economy
Gabriela Kütting, 2004
American automobile workers, 1900-1933
Joyce Shaw Peterson, 1987
Rhetoric and kairos: essays in history, theory, and praxis
Phillip Sipiora, James S. Baumlin, 2002
Rhetoric and Kairos: Essays in History, Theory, and Praxis
Phillip Sipiora & James S. Baumlin, 2013
A theory of harmony
Ernst Levy, Siegmund Levarie, 1985
The endtime family: Children of God
William Sims Bainbridge, 2002
Abraham Lincoln and American political religion
Glen E. Thurow, 1976
Consequences of phenomenology
Don Ihde, 1986
A practical philosophy for the life sciences
Wim J. van der Steen, 1993
Radical passivity: Lévinas, Blanchot, and Agamben
Thomas Carl Wall, 1999
Islam in practice: religious beliefs in a Persian village
Reinhold Loeffler, 1988
Like all the nations?: the life and legacy of Judah L. Magnes
William M. Brinner, 1987