انتشارات Suny Press

Hindu ethics: purity, abortion, and euthanasia
Harold G. Coward, 1989
Existential and ontological dimensions of time in Heidegger and Dōgen
Steven Heine, 1985
High tech, low tech, no tech: recent industrial and occupational change in the South
William W. Falk, 1988
Leaving little Italy: essaying Italian American culture
Fred L. Gardaphé, 2004
Legislating bureaucratic change: the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978
Patricia W. Ingraham, 1984
Letters of Louis D. Brandeis, Vol. 4, 1916-1921: Mr. Justice Brandeis
Louis D. Brandeis, 1975
Letters of Louis D. Brandeis, Volume 2
Louis D. Brandeis, 1972
Letters of Louis D. Brandeis: 1921-1941: Elder statesman
Louis Dembitz Brandeis, 1978
Living consciousness: the metaphysical vision of Henri Bergson
G. William Barnard, 2011
Love theory in later Ḥanbalite Islam
Joseph Norment Bell, 1979
Making cancer policy
Mark E. Rushefsky, 1986
Harvey P. Alper, 1989
Marx, Hayek, and utopia
Chris Matthew Sciabarra, 1995
Meaning in comedy: studies in Elizabethan romantic comedy
John Weld, 1975
Measured Meals: Nutrition in America
Jessica J. Mudry, 2009
Medusa's ear: university foundings from Kant to Chora L
Dawne McCance, 2004
Metaphysics to metafictions: Hegel, Nietzsche, and the end of philosophy
Paul S. Miklowitz, 1998
Hans-Jost Frey, 1996
Civilian control of the military: theory and cases from developing countries
Claude Emerson Welch, 1976
Comedy, tragedy, and religion
John Morreall, 1999