انتشارات Suny Press

Revivals: Of Antigone
William Robert, 2015
Making Globalization Work for Women: The Role of Social Rights and Trade Union Leadership
Valentine M. Moghadam et al (eds.), 2011
Poor Joshua: The DeShaney Case and Child Abuse in America
John R. Howard, 2018
Remnants of Hegel: Remains of Ontology, Religion, and Community
Felix Duque, 2018
Toward a Non-humanist Humanism: Theory after 9/11
William V. Spanos, 2017
Beyond Bergson: Examining Race and Colonialism through the Writings of Henri Bergson
Andrea J. Pitts, Mark William Westmoreland (eds.), 2018
Sports and Labor in the United States
Michael Schiavone, 2015
Nature as Sacred Ground: A Metaphysics for Religious Naturalism
Donald A. Crosby, 2015
The Politics of Myth: A Study of C. G. Jung, Mircea Eliade, and Joseph Campbell
Robert Ellwood, 1999
Slavery in the Circuit of Sugar: Martinique and the World-Economy, 1830–1848
Dale W. Tomich, 2016
Sojourns: The Journey to Greece
Martin Heidegger, 2005
Are All the Women Still White? Rethinking Race, Expanding Feminisms
Janell Hobson (Ed.), 2016
Passing Interest: Racial Passing in US Novels, Memoirs, Television, and Film, 1990–2010
Julie Cary Nerad, 2014
Lacan and Romanticism
Daniela Garofalo and David Sigler, 2019
NATO’s Durability in a Post-Cold War World
Joe Burton, 2018
Divine Scapegoats: Demonic Mimesis in Early Jewish Mysticism
Orlov, Andrei, 2015
Libre Acceso: Latin American Literature and Film Through Disability Studies
Susan Antebi; Beth E. Jörgensen (Eds.), 2016
It Hurts Down There: The Bodily Imaginaries of Female Genital Pain
Christine Labuski, 2015
The Hand of the Engraver: Albert Flocon Meets Gaston Bachelard
Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, 2018
Trans People in Higher Education
Genny Beemyn, 2019
Jewish Feminazism and Intersectionality
Marla Brettschneider, 2016
Reframing the Practice of Philosophy: Bodies of Color, Bodies of Knowledge
George Yancy (ed.), 2012