انتشارات Tata Mcgraw Hill

Bionics for the Evil Genius - 25 Build-It-Yourself Projects
Newton C. Braga, 2006
R. P. Deshpande, 2014
Car Stereo Cookbook, 2nd edition (TAB Electronics Technician Library)
Mark Rumreich, 2005
Designing with TTL Integrated Circuits
TI, Robert Morris (ed.), 1971
Digital Electronics Demystified
Myke Predko, 2004
Energy Risk: Valuing and Managing Energy Derivatives
Dragana Pilipovic, 2007
Energy Risk: Valuing and Managing Energy Derivatives
Dragana Pilipovic, 2007
Herbs for Sports Perfomance, Energy, and Recovery
Edmund R. Burke, 1998
Green Roof Construction and Maintenance
Kelly Luckett, 2009
Solary Energy Projects for the Evil Genius - 50 Projects
Gavin Harper, 2007
Fuel Cell Projects for the Evil Genius
Gavin Harper, 2008
Fuel Cell Projects for the Evil Genius
G. Harper, 2008
Ondeo/Nalco fuel field manual
Kim B. Peyton, 2002
Nano/Microscale Heat Transfer
Zhuomin Zhang, 2007
Schaum's outline of Theory and problems of heat transfer
DonaldR.Pits, 1998
Elements of discrete mathematics
CL Liu, 1985
Facility Piping Systems Handbook
Michael Frankel, 2002
Facility Piping Systems Handbook
D.R.H. Jones, 2001
Facility Piping Systems Handbook
Michael Frankel, 2001
Facility Piping Systems Handbook: For Industrial, Commercial, and Healthcare Facilities
Michael Frankel, 2009
Facility Piping Systems Handbook: For Industrial, Commercial, and Healthcare Facilities
Michael Frankel, 2009
Piping handbook
Mohinder Nayyar, 2000