انتشارات Tata Mcgraw Hill Pub.

Introduction to process engineering and design
Thakore, Shuchen B.; Bhatt, B. I., 2007
Financial management : theory and practice
Chandra, Prasanna, 2008
Corporate restructuring : enhancing the shareholder value
Ranjan Das; Udayan Kumar Basu, 2004
Digital signal processors : architecture, programming and applications
B. Venkataramani; M. Bhaskar, 2011
E-commerce : the cutting edge of business
Kamlesh K. Bajaj; Debjani Nag, 2005
ERP in practice : ERP strategies for steering organizational competence and competitive advantage
Jagan Nathan Vaman, 2007
Information system audit and assurance
D. P. Dube; Ved Prakash Gulati, 2005
Nitaigour Premchand Mahalik, 2007
Outsourcing laboratory based services : inventing a new future for R & D and testing
G. Sudesh Kumar, 2006
Human resources management
Mirza S. Saiyadain, 2009
Optics, 4th edition
Ajoy Ghatak
Air Pollution
M N Rao, H V N Rao, 2007
Spoken English: A Self-Learning Guide to Conversation Practice
V Sasikumar, P V Dhamija, 1993
Design aids in soil mechanics and foundation engineering
Kaniraj, 1988
Basic Electrical Engineering (v. 1)
P.S. Dhogal, 2006
VHDL Programming by Example
Douglas L. Perry, 2002
Unit processes in organic synthesis
Philip Herkimer Groggins, 1995
A. Ghatak, 2009
Basic And Applied Thermodynamics
Nag, 2002
Data Structures Using C
Isrd Group, 2007
Functional analysis
A.H. Siddiqi, 1986
Handbook of machine foundations
P. Srinivasulu, 1976
Indian Polity
Laxminath, 2013
Indian Polity
Laxminath, 2013