انتشارات Taylor And Francis, Crc Press

Imaging in cellular and tissue engineering
Hanry Yu, 2013
Immersed tunnels
Richard Lunniss
Impact of climate change on water and health
ed. Velma I. Grover., 2013.
Indium nitride and related alloys
TD Veal, 2010
Industrial engineering non-traditional applications in international settings
Bopaya Bidanda, 2014
Introduction to Crystal Growth: Principles and Practice
HL Bhat, 2014
Introduction to lipidomics : from bacteria to man
Claude Leray
Introduction to mathematical logic
Mendelson, 2015
Pediatric radiotherapy : planning and treatment
Arthur J Olch, 2013
Phase estimation in optical interferometry
Rastogi, 2014
Photoelectrochemical Solar Conversion Systems: Molecular and Electronic Aspects
Andrés G Muñoz, 2012
Pocket handbook of nonhuman primate clinical medicine
Angela Courtney, 2013
Practical Phlebology: Venous Ultrasound
Joseph Zygmunt, 2013
Radioactive air sampling methods
Mark L Maiello, 2011
Ion Beam Analysis: Fundamentals and Applications
Michael Anthony Nastasi, 2014
Middle American Terranes, Potential Correlatives, and Orogenic Processes
J. Duncan Keppie, 2008
Mining User Generated Content
Marie-Francine Moens, 2014
Mitochondria in health and disease
Carolyn D Berdanier, 2005
Mobile communications handbook
Gibson, 2013
Mobile Intelligent Autonomous Systems
JR Raol, 2012
Modeling and Computation in Engineering III
Lei Zhang, 2014