انتشارات Taylor And Francis Group, Routledge

Teaching English Creatively (Learning to Teach in the Primary School Series)
Teresa Cremin, 2009
Teaching for Student Learning: Becoming an Accomplished Teacher
Richard I. Arends, 2010
Teaching Modern Foreign Languages at Advanced Level
Norbert Pachler (Editor), 1999
Poetry - From Reading to Writing: A Classroom Guide for Ages 7-11
Robert Hull, 2010
Eight Theories of Ethics
Gordon Graham, 2004
Silence in Middle Eastern and Western thought : the radical unspoken
Mohaghegh, Jason Bahbak, 2014
A Learning Community in the Primary Classroom
Jere Brophy, 2010
A Learning Community in the Primary Classroom
Jere Brophy, 2010
Handbook of School Counseling (Counseling and Counselor Education)
Hardin L. K. Coleman, 2008
Vital Signs
Sheperdson.C, 2000
Adaptation to Climate Change: From Resilience to Transformation
Mark Pelling, 2010
World's Religions
Clarke, 1990
William Blake
G. E. Bentley, 1996
Intensifiers in English and German: A Comparison
Peter Siemund, 2000
The Routledge handbook of sustainable food and gastronomy
Hindley, Clare, 2015