انتشارات Tcu Press

The cinema of Michael Winterbottom : borders, intimacy, terror
Winterbottom, Michael, 2014
Thomas Middleton : the collected works
Taylor, Gary, 2010
George Ohr : sophisticate and rube
Ohr, George E., 2013
They live
Wilson, 2015
The inner bird : anatomy and evolution
Kaiser, 2007
The films of Clint Eastwood : chronicles of America
Eastwood, Clint, 2014
The currency of paper
Kovacs, 2013
The cinema of István Szábo : visions of Europe
Cunningham, John, 2014
The cinema of Krzysztof Kieślowski : variations on destiny and chance
Kie*slowski, Krzysztof, 2004
The cinema of Michael Mann : vice and vindication
Mann, Michael, 2013
The cinema of Terrence Malick : poetic visions of America
Malick, Terrence, 2007
The cinema of Aki Kaurismaki : contrarian stories
Kaurismäki, Aki, 2013
The cinema of Ang Lee : the other side of the screen
Dilley, Whitney Crothers, 2015
The cinema of George A. Romero : knight of the living dead
Romero, George A., 2015
Roots of Russia’s War in Ukraine
Elizabeth A. Wood, 2016
Parallel lines : post-9/11 American cinema
Westwell, 2014
Parallel lines : post-9/11 American cinema
Westwell, 2014
Well-Being and Death
Ben Bradley, 2009
Vagueness in Context
Stewart Shapiro, 2006
Vagueness in context
Shapiro, 2006
Undulators and free-electron lasers
P. Luchini, 1990
Truth and the absence of fact
Field, 2001