انتشارات Tech Max Publications

Bloom's How to Write About Tennessee Williams (Bloom's How to Write About Literature)
Jennifer Banach, 2009
Bloom's How to Write about Walt Whitman (Bloom's How to Write About Literature)
Frank D. Casale, 2009
Drafting and Assessing Poetry: A Guide for Teachers
Dr Sue Dymoke, 2003
پتڻ ٿو پور ڪري
Shaikh Ayaz, 1990
Keith Laumer, 2009
Howards End
E. M. Forster, 2002
Indian Tales
Rudyard Kipling, 2008
Lady Susan
Jane Austen, R. W. Chapman, 2005
కన్యాశుల్కం, Kanyasulkam
Gurajada Apparao, 1897
101 Puzzles in Thought and Logic (Math & Logic Puzzles)
C. R. Wylie Jr., 1957
A Catalog of Special Plane Curves
J. Dennis Lawrence, 1972
A Concept of Limits
Donald W. Hight, 2010
An Introduction to Matrices, Sets and Groups for Science Students
G. Stephenson, 1986
An introduction to matrices, sets, and groups for science students
G. Stephenson, 1986
An introduction to matrices, sets, and groups for science students
G. Stephenson, 1986
Matrices and Linear Transformations: Second Edition
Charles G. Cullen, 1990
Matrix and tensor calculus: With applications to mechanics, elasticity and aeronautics
Aristotle D. Michal, 2008
Matrix and tensor calculus: with applications to mechanics, elasticity, and aeronautics
Aristotle D. Michal, 2008
Companion to the Papers of Donald Knuth
Donald E. Knuth, 2012
A course in advanced calculus
Robert S. Borden, 1998
A Course in Advanced Calculus
Borden R., 1997
Advanced Calculus
David V. Widder, Mathematics, 1989
Advanced Complex Calculus
Kenneth S. Miller, 1971