انتشارات Texas A

Cinema Houston : from Nickelodeon to Megaplex
David Welling, 2007
Kathy L. Greenwood, 1990
A Protocol for Touch (Vassar Miller Prize in Poetry, 7)
A woman's odyssey: journals, 1976-1992
Linda Aaker, 1994
American voudou : journey into a hidden world
Rod Davis, 1998
American Voudou: Journey into a Hidden World
Rod Davis, 1999
American Indian Sovereignty and the U.S. Supreme Court: The Masking of Justice
David E. Wilkins, 1997
Amal and the Shi'a: Struggle for the Soul of Lebanon (Modern Middle East Series (Austin, Tex.), No. 13.)
Augustus Richard Norton, 1987
Bats of the Tropical Lowlands of Western Ecuador issue Number 57
Juan Pablo Carrera, 2010
Curating at the edge : artists respond to the U.S./Mexico border
Bonansinga, Kate, 2014
Oaxaca al Gusto: An Infinite Gastronomy
Diana Kennedy, 2010
Benjamin Capps and the South Plains: A Literary Relationship (Texas Writers Series)
Lawrence Clayton, 1990
Islamism and Modernism: The Changing Discourse in Iran (Modern Middle East Series)
Farhang Rajaee, 2007
Rethinking Middle East Politics
Simon Bromley, 1994
Witches, Whores, and Sorcerers: The Concept of Evil in Early Iran
S. K. Mendoza Forrest, 2012
James Dean Transfigured: The Many Faces of Rebel Iconography
Claudia Springer, 2007
Islamism in the Shadow of al-Qaeda
François Burgat, 2008