انتشارات Thames And Hudson

Art Without Boundaries 1950-70
John Williams, 1972
Athanasius Kircher: A Renaissance Man and the Quest for Lost Knowledge
Joscelyn Godwin, 1979
Early Greek Vase Painting, 11th-6th Centuries BC: A Handbook (World of Art)
John Boardman, 1998
Greek Gems and Finger Rings: Early Bronze Age to Late Classical
John Boardman, 2001
The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art and Artists (World of Art)
Herbert Read, 1993
The Story of Decipherment: From Egyptian Hieroglyphs to Maya Script
Maurice Pope, 1999
The Story of Decipherment: From Egyptian Hieroglyphs to Maya Script
Maurice Pope, 1999
Zaha Hadid: The Complete Buildings and Projects
Zaha Hadid, 1998
Beyond Death: The Gates of Consciousness
Stanislav Grof, 1980
Books of the Dead
Stanislav Grof, 1994
Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice
Robert Lawlor, 1982
The Russian Experiment in Art 1863-1922
Camilla Gray, 1986
The Russian Experiment in Art 1863-1922 (Revised Edition) (World of Art)
Marian Burleigh-Motley, 1986
The Scientists, An Epic of Discovery
Andrew Robinson, 2012
Japanese Art
Joan Stanley-Baker, 1984
Agnes Martin : her life and art
Martin, Agnes, 2015
Kailas: On Pilgrimage to the Sacred Mountain of Tibet
Kerry Moran, 1989
An introduction to the method of characteristics
M. B Abbott, 1966
Robert Fludd: Hermetic Philosopher and Surveyor of Two Worlds (Art & Imagination)
Joscelyn Godwin, 1979
Reading the Maya Glyphs
Michael D. Coe, 2001
Reading the Maya Glyphs
Michael D. Coe, 2005