انتشارات The British Film Institute

Out of the Past: Spanish Cinema After Franco
John Hopewell, 1987
Kent Jones, 1999
Richard Dyer, 1998
An Actor's Revenge
Ian Breakwell, 1996
Blade runner
Scott Bukatman, 1997
Crash (Bfi Modern Classics)
Iain Sinclair, 1999
Crash (Bfi Modern Classics)
Iain Sinclair, 1999
Exporting Entertainment: America in the World Film Market, 1907-1934
Kristin Thompson, 1985
Rick Altman, 1999
Colin MacCabe, 1998
The Night of the Hunter
Simon Callow, 2001
The Terminator
Sean French, 1996
Signs and Meaning in the Cinema
Peter Wollen, 2013
Signs and Meaning in the Cinema
Peter Wollen, 2013
100 Documentary Films
Barry Keith Grant, Jim Hillier, 2009
Throne of Blood
Robert N. Watson, 2014
In the Mood for Love
Tony Rayns, 25 Nov 2015
2001: A Space Odyssey
Peter Kramer, 2010
Animal Life and the Moving Image
Michael Lawrence, Laura McMahon, 2015
Encore Hollywood: Remaking French Cinema
Lucy Mazdon, 2000
Luchino Visconti
Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, 2003
Structural Film Anthology
Peter Gidal, 1978
Brief Encounter
Richard Dyer, 1993