انتشارات The Continuum International Publishing Group

The Wire: Urban Decay and American Television
Tiffany Potter, 2009
Think again: Alain Badiou and the future of philosophy
Peter Hallward, 2004
Thomas Hobbes (Major Conservative and Libertarian Thinkers, Vol. 1)
Robin E. R. Bunce, 2009
Thoughts on the East
Thomas Merton, 1996
Three Minutes of Hope: Hugo Gryn on the God Slot
Hugo Gryn, 2010
Transductions: bodies and machines at speed
Adrian Mackenzie, 2002
Translation: theory and practice in dialogue
Antoinette Fawcett, 2010
Trinitarian soundings in systematic theology
Paul Louis Metzger, 2005
Truth and method
Hans Georg Gadamer, 2004
Using everyday numbers effectively in research
Stephen Gorard, 2006
Utilitarian Philosophy and Politics: Bentham's Later Years
James E. Crimmins, 2011
Violence in the New Testament
Leigh Gibson, 2005
Vygotsky and Special Needs Education: A Cultural Theory Approach
Harry Daniels, 2011
Walter Benjamin and Romanticism
Andrew E. Benjamin, 2002
The essential guide to English studies
Peter Childs, 2008
The Ethics of Climate Change: Right and Wrong in a Warming World (Think Now)
James Garvey, 2008
The Art and Design Teacher's Handbook
Susie Hodge, 2010
The fate of King Saul: an interpretation of a biblical story
David M. Gunn, 1980
The Good Funeral Guide: Everything You Need to Know -- Everything You Need to Do
Charles Cowling, 2010
The binding of Isaac: a religious model of disobedience
Omri Boehm, 2007
The greatest educators ever
Frank M. Flanagan, 2006