انتشارات The Geological Society Of London

Drift Exploration In Glaciated Terrain (2001)(en)(360s)
Margaret Beth Mcclenaghan, 2001
Palaeobiogeography and Biodiversity Change: The Ordovician and Mesozoic-Cenozoic Radiations
Lyell Meeting (2001 Burlington House), 2002
Later Proterozoic Torridonian
A. D. Stewart, 2002
Later Proterozoic Torridonian (Memoir)
A. D. Stewart, 2002
Mechanisms of Activity & Unrest at Large Calderas - Special Publication no 269 (Geological Society Special Publication)
C. Troise; G. De Natale, 2006
Physics of Explosive Volcanic Eruptions
J. S. Gilbert, 1998