انتشارات The Institute Of Economic Affairs

Basitat's 'the Law'
Frederic Bastiat, Norman Barry, 2001
Catholic Social Teaching and the Market Economy
Philip Booth, 2007
Unshackling Accountants (Hobart Papers)
D.R. Myddelton, 2004
Climate Alarmism Reconsidered
Robert L. Bradley, 2003
Corruption, the World's Big C: Cases, Causes, Consquences, Cures
Ian Senior, 2006
Denationalisation of Money - The Argument Refined (Hobart Paper Special)
Friedrich August Hayek, 1978
Fifty Economic Fallacies Exposed
Geoffrey E. Wood, 2002
Future of Monetary Arrangements in Europe
Robin Leigh-Pemberton, 1989
Happiness, Economics and Public Policy
Paul Ormerod, 2007
Living with Leviathan: Pubic Spending, Taxes and Economic Performance
David B. Smith, 2006
Markets in the Firm: A Market-Process Approach to Management
Tyler Cowen, 1997
Memoir on Pauperism (Rediscovered Riches)
Alexis de Tocqueville, 1997
Politically Impossible
William H. Hutt, 1971
Post-Communist Transition: Some Lessons (Thirty-First Wincott Lecture)
Leszek Balcerowicz, 2002
Public Service Broadcasting Without the BBC?
Alan Peacock, 2004
The Benefits of Tax Competition
Richard Teather, 2005
The Economics of Law: An Introductory Text
Cento G. Veljanovski, 2006
The Road to Serfdom: With the Intellectuals and Socialism
Friedrich A. Von Hayek, 2005
Towards a Liberal Utopia?
Philip Booth, 2005
Trade Policy, New Century: The WTO, FTAs and Asia Rising
Sally Razeen, 2008
Socialism: The Failed Idea That Never Dies
Kristian Niemietz, 2019