انتشارات The J. Paul Getty Museum

The J. Paul Getty Museum journal
J. Paul Getty Museum, 1988
The J. Paul Getty Museum journal
J. Paul Getty Museum, 1989
Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain Catalogue of the Collections
Adrian Sassoon and John Walsh, 1992
Italian Ceramics Catalogue of the J. Paul Getty Museum
Catherine Hess, 2003
Archaic Korai
Katerina Karakasi, 2003
The Splendor of Roman Wall Painting
Pappalardo Umberto, 2008
Roman Mosaics in the J. Paul Getty Museum
Alexis Belis, Christine Kondoleon, 2016
Roman Mosaics in the J. Paul Getty Museum
Alexis Belis, Christine Kondoleon, 2016
Roman Mosaics in the J. Paul Getty Museum
Alexis Belis, Christine Kondoleon, 2016
Cyprus Before the Bronze Age: Art of the Chalcolithic Period
Vassos Karageorghis, Edgar J. Peltenburg, 1990
Chalcolithic Cyprus
Kenneth Hamma, James W. Flanagan, 1991
Roman Art
Paul Zanker, 2010
Understanding Illuminated Manuscripts: A Guide to Technical Terms
Michelle P. Brown, 1994
Luxury Arts of the Renaissance
Marina Belozerskaya, 2005
The J. Paul Getty Museum and its collections : a museum for the new century
Walsh, John; Gribbon, Deborah Ann, 1997
The Spitz master : a Parisian book of hours
Spitz Master; Clark, Gregory T., 2003
Masterpieces of the J. Paul Getty Museum. Illuminated manuscripts.
Kren, Thomas, 1997
Mira calligraphiae monumenta : a sixteenth-century calligraphic manuscript inscribed by Georg Bocskay and illuminated by Joris Hoefnagel
Bocskay, Georg; Hoefnagel, Joris; Vignau-Wilberg, Thea; Hendrix, Lee; Hoefnagel, Joris; Bocskay, Georg, 1992
Painted Love Prostitution in French Art of the Impressionist Era
Hollis Clayson, 2003