انتشارات The Johns Hopkins Press

Nature Exposed: Photography as Eyewitness in Victorian Science
Jennifer Tucker, 2013
Big Data on Campus: Data Analytics and Decision Making in Higher Education
Karen L. Webber, Henry Y. Zheng, 2020
Plantation Kingdom: The American South and Its Global Commodities
Richard Follett, Sven Beckert, Peter Coclanis, Barbara M. Hahn, 2016
Other People's Money: How Banking Worked in the Early American Republic
Sharon Ann Murphy, 2017
Higher Education and Silicon Valley: Connected but Conflicted
W. Richard Scott, Michael W. Kirst, 2017
America's Half Century: United States Foreign Policy In The Cold War And After
Thomas J. McCormick, 1995
The Faculty Factor: Reassessing the American Academy in a Turbulent Era
Martin J. Finkelstein, Valerie Martin Conley, Jack H. Schuster, 2016
Freshwater Fishes of North America: Volume 2: Characidae to Poeciliidae
Melvin L. Warren, Brooks M. Burr, Joseph R. Tomelleri, Anthony A. Echelle, Bernard R. Kuhajda, 2020
Gamer Nation: Video Games and American Culture
Wills J., 2019
Grand Central Terminal
Kurt C. Schlichting, 2001
Yi-Fu Tuan, 1998
Neighborhood of Fear:: The Suburban Crisis in American Culture, 1975-2001
Kyle Riismandel, 2020
What Are the Chances?: Voodoo Deaths, Office Gossip, and Other Adventures in Probability
Bart K. Holland, 2002
The New PhD: How To Build A Better Graduate Education
Leonard Cassuto, Robert Weisbuch, 2021
The Labadist Colony in Maryland
Bartlett B. James, 1899
The Case of California
Laurence A. Rickels, 1991
Picturing Health and Illness : Images of Identity and Difference
Sander L. Gilman, 1995
Soviet Political Thought: An Anthology, Selected
Michael Jaworskyj, 1967
The Bomb and America's Missile Age
Christopher Gainor, 2018
Feminist Bioethics: At the Center, on the Margins
Jackie Leach Scully; Laurel E. Baldwin-Ragaven; Petya Fitzpatrick, 2010
Havoc and Reform: Workplace Disasters in Modern America
James P. Kraft, 2021
Fixing the Poor: Eugenic Sterilization and Child Welfare in the Twentieth Century
Molly Ladd-Taylor, 2017
Cybertext: Perspectives On Ergodic Literature
Espen J. Aarseth, 1997
The Concept of Meaninglessness
Edward Erwin, 2019