انتشارات The Metropolitan Museum Of Art

Pen and Parchment: Drawing in the Middle Ages
Melanie Holcomb, Lisa Bessette, Barbara Drake Boehm, Evelyn M. Cohen, Kathryn Gerry, Ludovico V. Geymonat, Aden Kumler, Lawrence Nees, Wendy A. Stein, Faith Wallis, Karl Whittington, Elizabeth Williams, Nancy Wu, 2009
Choirs of Angels: Painting in Italian Choir Books, 1300-1500
Barbara Drake Boehm, 2009
Caspar David Friedrich: Moonwatchers
Sabine Rewald, Kasper Monrad, 2002
American Drawings and Watercolors in the Robert Lehman Collection
Carol Clark, 1992
Art of Ancient Egypt: A Resource for Educators
Watts, E. and Girsh, B. and Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) and Metropolitan Museum of Art Staff, 1998
15th-18th Century French Drawings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1986
19th century French drawings from the Robert Lehman Collection 1980
George Szabo, 1980
Boggs, Jean Sutherland, Douglas W. Druick, Henri Loyrette, Michael Pantazzi, and Gary Tinterow, 1988
Peter Paul Rubens: The Decius Mus Cycle/E1644P
Reinhold Baumstark, 1985
Italian Fifteen to Seventeenth Century Drawings in the Robert Lehman Collection
Anna Forlani Tempesti, 1991
Washington Crossing the Delaware: Restoring an American Masterpiece, Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin
Carrie Rebora Barratt, Lance Mayer, Gay Myers, Eli Wilner, Suzanne Smeaton, 2011
Illustrated Poetry and Epic Images: Persian Painting of the 1330s and 1340s
Marie Lukens Swietochowski, Stefano Carboni, 1994
Art and Anatomy in Renaissance Italy: Images from a Scientific Revolution
Domenico Laurenza, 2012
Early Indonesian Textiles from Three Island Cultures: Sumba Toraja Lampung
Robert J. Holmgren, Anita E. Spertus, 1989
A Masterwork of Byzantine Art: The David Plates
Esther M. Morales, Michael B. Norris, Alice W. Schwarz, Edith W.Watts, 2001
A Chinese Garden Court: The Astor Court at The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Alfreda Murck, 2012
Along the Border of Heaven
Richard M Barnhart, John P. O"Neill &, 1983