انتشارات The Rao Institute, Usa

Probability, Statistics, and Their Applications: Papers in Honor of Rabi Bhattacharya (Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, V. 41)
R. N. Bhattacharya, Krishna B. Athreya, 2004
Organizational Challenges for Investment Firms
John F. Casey, Paul David Schaeffer, William J. Nutt, Jr. Charles B. Burkhart, Jeffrey S. Molitor, Harold S. Bradley, Ronald Layard-Liesching, Robert J. Froehlich, 2002
Introduction to aircraft flight mechanics: performance, static stability, dynamic stability, and classical feedback control
Thomas R. Yechout, Steven L. Morris, David E. Bossert, Wayne F. Hallgren, 2003
Reinforced Concrete Masonry Construction Inspectors Handbook, 7th Ed
John Chrysler, Masonry Institute of America, International Code Council, 2010
Reinforced Masonry Engineering Handbook: Clay and Concrete Masonry, Sixth Edition
James E. Amrhein , Max L. Porter, 2009
Building Assets is Elementary: Group Activities for Helping Kids Ages 8-12 Succeed
Rita Welch, Tenessa Gemelke, 2004
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary
multiple authors, 2005
Christian Reconstruction: What It Is, What It Isn't
Gary North, Gary Demar, 1991
Next generation photovoltaics: high efficiency through full spectrum utilization
A. Martí, A. Luque, 2004
Surges Happen Practice Guide
Francois Martzloff, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2001
ACI 343R-95: Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Structures (Repproved 2004)
ACI Committee 341, 1995
ACI 349-06: Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-Related Concrete Structures and Commentary
ACI Committee 349, 2006
ACI 350-06: Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures
ACI Committee 350, 2006
Patient Power: Solving America's Health Care Crisis
John C. Goodman, Gerald L. Musgrave, 1992
Aircraft System Identification: Theory And Practice
Vladislav Klein, Eugene A. Morelli, 2006
Digital Metal-oxide Semiconductor Integrated Circuits
Mohamed I. Elmasry, 1981