انتشارات The University Of Illinois Press

Women's Movements in Twentieth-Century Taiwan
Doris Chang, 2010
Philosophy, Crime, and Criminology
Bruce A. Arrigo, Christopher R. Williams, 2006
The Sexual Politics of Empire: Postcolonial Homophobia in Haiti
Erin L. Durban, 2022
Understanding African American Rhetoric
Ronald L. Jackson II, Elaine B. Richardson, 2007
Energy Never Dies: Afro-Optimism and Creativity in Chicago
Ayana Contreras, 2021
Pissing in the Snow and Other Ozark Folktales
Vance Randolph, 1976
The Mark of Slavery: Disability, Race, and Gender in Antebellum America
Jenifer L. Barclay, 2021
The Gospel of the Working Class: Labor's Southern Prophets in New Deal America
Erik S. Gellman; Jarod Roll, 2011
Embodied Protests: Emotions and Women's Health in Bolivia
Maria Tapias, 2015
Eugene Kinckle Jones: The National Urban League and Black Social Work, 1910-1940
Felix L. Armfield, 2011
Vita Sexualis: Karl Ulrichs and the Origins of Sexual Science
Ralph M. Leck, 2016
Shadow Traces: Seeing Japanese/American and Ainu Women in Photographic Archives
Elena Tajima Creef, 2022
Thomas M. Malaby, 2010
Purple Power: The History and Global Impact of SEIU
Luís LM Aguiar; Joseph A. McCartin; Adrienne E Eaton; Janice Fine; Euan Gibb; Laurence Hamel-Roy; Tashlin Lakhani; Yanick Noiseux; Benjamin L Peterson; Allison Porter; Alyssa May Kuchinski; Maite Tapia; Veronica Terriquez; Kyoung-Hee Yu, 2023
From Gluttony to Enlightenment
Viktoria von Hoffmann, 2016
Latino Urban Ethnography and the Work of Elena Padilla
Merida M. Rua, 2011
A Bride for the Tsar: Bride-Shows and Marriage Politics in Early Modern Russia
Russell E. Martin, 2012
Laughing to Keep from Dying
Danielle Fuentes Morgan, 2020
Ethnic Dissent and Empowerment: Economic Migration between Vietnam and Malaysia
Angie Ngoc Tran, 2022
Disrupting Kinship: Transnational Politics of Korean Adoption in the United States
Kimberly D. McKee, 2019
Islanders in the Empire: Filipino and Puerto Rican Laborers in Hawai'i
JoAnna Poblete, 2014
Issei Buddhism in the Americas
Duncan Ryuken Williams, Tomoe Moriya, 2010