انتشارات The University Of Utah Press

Documenting cityscapes : urban change in contemporary non-fiction film
Villarmea Álvarez, 2015
Documenting cityscapes : urban change in contemporary non-fiction film
Villarmea Álvarez, 2015
Documents of utopia : the politics of experimental documentary
Magagnoli, 2015
Film theory : creating a cinematic grammar
Colman, 2014
Moscow: Governing the socialist Metropolis
Timothy J. Colton, 1995
Accessible Elements. Teaching Science Online and at a Distance
Dietmar Kennepohl, 2011
A History of the Arab Peoples: With a New Afterword
Albert Hourani, 2010
Multi-Agent Systems: Simulation and Applications
RTyrrell Rockafellar, 2009
The Last Utopia: Human Rights in History
Samuel Moyn, 2010
Oceanography and Marine Biology, Vol. 24
Harold Barnes, 1986
Oceanography and Marine Biology, Vol. 28
Harold Barnes, 1990
Commander of All Lincoln's Armies : A Life of General Henry W. Halleck
John F. Marszalek, 2004
An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change (Belknap Press)
Richard R. Nelson, 1985
Beyond the Great Story: History as Text and Discourse
Robert F. Berkhofer Jr., 1997
Cairo: Histories of a City
Nezar AlSayyad, 2011
China between Empires: The Northern and Southern Dynasties (History of Imperial China)
Mark Edward Lewis, 2009
China Marches West: The Qing Conquest of Central Eurasia
Peter C. Perdue, 2005
China: A New History
John King Fairbank, 2006
Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China
Ezra F. Vogel, 2011