انتشارات The Wild Rose Press Inc

Large Problems, Small Machines. Transforming your Programs with Advanced Algorithms
Steve Heller (Auth.), 1992
Beginning algebra : a text/workbook
Charles P McKeague, 1985
Historical Dictionary of Ancient Greek Philosophy
Anthony Preus, 2007
Historical Dictionary of Feminist Philosophy (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies and Movements)
Catherine Villanueva Gardner, 2006
Historical Dictionary of Husserl's Philosophy
John J. Drummond, 2007
Historical Dictionary of Kierkegaard's Philosophy
Julia Watkin, 2000
Historical Dictionary of Leibniz's Philosophy
Stuart Brown, 2006
Macroeconomics. An Introduction to the Non-Walrasian Approach
Jean-Pascal Benassy, 1986
Macroeconomics: an Introduction to the Non-Walrasian Approach
Jean-Pascal Benassy, 1986
Studies in Macroeconomic Theory. Employment and Inflation
Edmund S. Phelps, 1979
Creation Compromises
Bert Thompson, 2000
Creation Compromises
Bert Thompson, 2000
Origin, Nature, And Destiny Of The
Bert Thompson, 2000
Scientific Case for Creation
Bert Thompson, 2004
Scientific Case for Creation (Scripture and Science)
Bert Thompson, 2004
Truth About Human Origins
Brad Harrub, 2000
Zero-symmetric Graphs: Trivalent Graphical Regular Representations of Groups
H. S. M. Coxeter, 1981
Reduced Density Matrices in Quantum Chemistry (Theoretical chemistry; a series of monographs ; v. 6)
Ernest Roy Davidson, 1976