انتشارات The World Bank

Symmetry and Perturbation Theory: Proceedings of the International Conference on SPT 2002
Simonetta Abenda, 2003
Symmetry And Perturbation Theory: Proceedings Of The International Conference SPT 2004 Cala Genone, Italy, 30 May – 6 June 2004
Giuseppe Gaeta, Barbara Prinari, Stefan Rauch-Wojciechowski, Susanna Terracini, 2005
Symmetry And Perturbation Theory: Proceedings of the International Conference SPT 2007 Otranto, Italy 2-9 June 2007
Giuseppe Gaeta, Raffaele Vitolo, Sebastian Walcher, 2008
Symmetry And Perturbation Theory: Proceedings of the International Conference SPT 2007 Otranto, Italy 2-9 June 2007
Giuseppe Gaeta, Raffaele Vitolo, Sebastian Walcher, 2007
Symmetry And Perturbation Theory: Proceedings of the International Conference SPT 2007 Otranto, Italy 2-9 June 2007
Giuseppe Gaeta, Raffaele Vitolo, Sebastian Walcher, 2007
Advances in energy transfer processes: proceedings of the 16th course of the International School of Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy: Erice, Sicily, Italy, 17 June-1 July, 1999
Baldassase Di Bartolo, Baldassare Di Bartolo, Xuesheng Chen, 2001
A Theory of the Firm's Cost of Capital: How Debt Affects the Firm's Risk, Value, Tax Rate, and The...
Ramesh K. S. Rao, Eric C. Stevens, 2007
A first systems book: technology and management
Margaret Myers, 2004
Colour Atlas of Ophthalmology
Arthur S. M. Lim, Ian J. Constable, Arthur Lim Siew Ming, 1996
A Scholar's Path: An Anthology of Classical Chinese Poems and Prose of Chen Qing Shan, a Pioneer Writer of Malayan-singapore Literature
Peter Min-liang Chen, Michael Tan, Chiu Ming Chan, 2010
Biology of wastewater treatment
N. F. Gray, 2004
AdvancED CSS
Joe Lewis, Meitar Moscovitz, 2009
A Short Course in International Business Plans: Charting a Strategy for Success in Global Commerce
Robert L. Brown, Alan S. Gutterman, 2003
From Field Theory to Quantum Groups: Birthday Volume dedicated to Jerzy Lukierski
Bernard Jancewicz, Jan Sobczyk, 1996
From Field Theory to Quantum Groups: Birthday Volume dedicated to Jerzy Lukierski
Bernard Jancewicz, Jan Sobczyk, 1996
From field theory to quantum groups: birthday volume dedicated to Jerzy Lukierski
Bernard Jancewicz, Jan Sobczyk, 1996
An Introduction to Electrospinning and Nanofibers
et al Seeram Ramakrishna, 2005
An Introduction to Electrospinning and Nanofibers
et al Seeram Ramakrishna, 2005
An Introduction to Electrospinning and Nanofibers
et al Seeram Ramakrishna, 2005
A Guide To Chalcogen-Nitrogen Chemistry
Tristram Chivers, 2004
Advances in image processing and understanding: A festschrift for T.S. Huang
Alan C. Bovik, Chang Wen Chen, Dmitry B. Goldgof, Thomas S. Huang, 2003
Advances in image processing and understanding: a festschrift for Thomas S. Huang
Alan C. Bovik, Chang Wen Chen, Dmitry B. Goldgof, Thomas S. Huang, 2003
Advances in image processing and understanding: a festschrift for Thomas S. Huang
Alan C. Bovik, Chang Wen Chen, Dmitry B. Goldgof, Thomas S. Huang, 2003