انتشارات The World Book, Inc

A Physicist's View of Matter and Mind
Chandre Dharma-wardana, 2013
Frontiers and Prospects of Contemporary Applied Mathematics
Tatsien Li, 2005
Connecting Cities With Macro-Economic Concerns: The Missing Link
Mila Freire, 2004
Eco2 Cities: Ecological Cities as Economic Cities
Hiroaki Suzuki, 2010
Local Budgeting
Anwar Shah, 2007
Participatory Budgeting (Public Sector Governance)
Anwar Shah, 2007
Perspectives of mesoscopic physics : dedicated to Yoseph Imry's 70th birthday
Amnon Aharony, 2010
Higher education in developing countries: peril and promise
Task Force on Higher Education, 2000
Higher Education in Latin America: The International Dimension
Hans De Wit, 2005
Industrial and applied mathematics in China
Tatsien Li, 2009
Innovations in higher education: Singapore at the competitive edge, Volumes 23-222
V. Selvaratnam, 1994
Computation of Mathematical Models for Complex Industrial Processes
Yu-Chu Tian, 2014
Exactly Solvable Models of Strongly Correlated Electrons
Korepin V.E., 1994
Exactly Solvable Models of Strongly Correlated Electrons
Korepin V.E., 1994
Form Factors in Completely Integrable Models of Quantum Field Theory
Smirnov F.A., 1992
Mathematical Models and Methods of Localized Interaction Theory
Abram I Bunimovich, 1995