انتشارات Time Life Books, Inc.

The Mighty Chieftains
Time-Life Books, 1994
The Nation Reunited: Wars Aftermath
Richard Murphy, 1987
The Natural World
Time-Life Books, 1991
The Nuclear Age
The Pathfinders
David Nevin, 1980
The Road to Shiloh: Early Battles in the West
David Nevin, 1983
The Struggle for Tennessee: Tupelo to Stones River
James H. Street, 1985
The true believer: Thoughts on the nature of mass movements
Eric Hoffer, 1980
The World of Bruegel c.1525-1569
Timothv Foote, 1968
The World of Cezanne 1839-1906
Richard W. Murphy, 1968
The World of Copley 1738-1815
Alfred Frankenstein, 1968
The World of Delacroix 1798-1863
Tom Prideaux, 1968
Shermans March: Atlanta to the Sea
David Nevin, 1986
Edward V. Lewis, 1965
Snacks & Sandwiches
Tables and Desks
Aww, 1994
Tenting Tonight: The Soldier's Life
James I. Robertson, 1984
The Aeronauts
Donald Dale Jackson, 1981
The Airline Builders
Oliver Allen, 1981
The Art of Woodworking Encyclopedia of wood
Time-Life Books, 1993