انتشارات Trans Tech

Nano-scale and amourphous materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the IUMRS-ICA 2010, 11th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, September 25-28, 2010, Qingdao, China
Rongming Wang; Ying Wu; Xiaofeng Wu; International Union of Materials Research Societies, 2011
12th INTERNATIONAL CERAMICS CONGRESS PART G Proceedings of the 12 th International Ceramics Congress, part of CIMTEC 2010- 12 th International Ceramics Congress and 5th Forum on New Materials Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 6-11, 2010
Edited by Pietro VINCENZINI World Academy of Ceramics and National Research Council, Italy Co-edited by Michele DONDI CNR-ISTEC, Italy, 2010
12th INTERNATIONAL CERAMICS CONGRESS Proceedings of the 12 th International Ceramics Congress, part of CIMTEC 2010- 12 th International Ceramics Congress and 5th Forum on New Materials Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 6-11, 2010 PART B including: Symposium CB – Novel Routes for Ceramics Synthesis and Processing
Edited by Pietro VINCENZINI World Academy of Ceramics and National Research Council, Italy Co-edited by Ralf RIEDEL Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany Alexander G. MERZHANOV ISMAN, Russia Chang-Chun, 2010
Anti-Fatigue Design and Manufacturing Technologies I
Edited by Dunwen Zuo Chuanzhen Huang Ming Chen Jun Li Guo Hun, 2012
Asian Ceramic Science for Electronics III and Electroceramics in Japan XII: Proceedings of the 6th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics and the 28th ... Japan, Oc
Tadashi Takenaka, Hajime Haneda, Kazumi Kato, Masasuke Takata, Kazuo Shinozaki, 2009
Advanced Composite Materials
Wenzhe Chen, Xingjun Liu, Pinqiang Dai, Yonglu Chen, Zhengyi Jiang, 2012
Silicon science and advanced micro-device engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 6th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE 2010), December 9-10, 2010, Kiryu City Performing Arts Center, Kiryu, Japan
Osamu Hanaizumi; Masafumi Unno; Kenta Miura, 2012
Advances in Composite Materials and Structures, Part 1
J.K. Kim, D.Z. Wo, L.M. Zhou, H.T. Huang, K.T. Lau and M. Wang, 2007
Advances in Civil and Industrial Engineering IV
Guangfan Li, Chaohe Che, Bifeng Jiang, Qizhong Shen, 2014
12th INTERNATIONAL CERAMICS CONGRESS PART C Proceedings of the 12 th International Ceramics Congress, part of CIMTEC 2010- 12 th International Ceramics Congress and 5th Forum on New Materials Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 6-11, 2010
Pietro Vincenzini (ed.), Mark Hadfield (ed.), Alberto Passerone (ed.), 2010
Advanced Bioceramics in Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering
Vallet-regi M., M. Vila, 2010
Advanced Bioceramics in Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering
Vallet-Regí, M.; Vila, M. (Eds.), 2010
Advanced Textile Materials, Part 1
Rosaldo J F Rosetti, Ronghui Liu, 2011
Advances in Machining And Manufacturing Technology
Zhejun Yuan, Zhejun Yuan, 2006
Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology I
Hun Guo, Zuo Dunwen, Tang Guoxing, 2011