انتشارات Typ. Brepols

The Book of Nature and Humanity in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
D. Hawkes, R. G. Newhauser (eds.), 2013
Marqueurs d’identité dans la littérature médiévale: mettre en signe l’individu et la famille (XIIe-XVe siècles)
C. Gîrbea, L. Hablot, R. L. Radulescu (eds.), 2014
Kings of the Street, Power, Community and Ritual in Renaissance Florence
David Rosenthal, 2015
Rewriting the Middle Ages in the Twentieth Century II, National Traditions
J. Aurell Cardona, J. Pavón Benito (eds.), 2009
New Approaches to Medieval Communication
M. Mostert (ed.), 1999
Problems and Possibilities of Early Medieval Charters
J. Jarrett, A. S. McKinley (eds.), 2013
Sparks and seeds : medieval literature and its aftermath : essays in honor of John Freccero
Cornish, Alison; Stewart, Dana E., 2000
Vehicles of Transmission, Translation, and Transformation in Medieval Textual Culture
Robert Wisnovsky, Faith Wallis, Jamie C. Fumo, Carlos Fraenkel, 2011
La dîme, l’Église et la société féodale
Michel Lauwers, 2012
La prière en latin, de l’Antiquité au XVIe siècle : formes, évolutions, significations
Jean-François Cottier, 2006
Three empires, three cities: Identity, material culture and legitimacy in Venice, Ravenna and Rome, 750-1000
Veronica West-Harling, 2015
Urban identities in Northern Italy (800-1100 ca.)
Maria Cristina La Rocca; Piero Majocchi, 2015
From one sea to another. Trading places in the European and Mediterranean Early Middle ages: Proceedings of the International Conference, Comacchio 27th-29th March 2009 / Da un mare all’altro. Luoghi di scambio nell’Alto Medioevo europeo e mediterraneo Atti del Seminario Internazionale Comacchio, 27-29 marzo 2009
Sauro Gelichi; Richard Hodges, 2012
Constructing the Medieval Sermon
Roger Andersson, 2008
The legal status of ḏimmī-s in the Islamic West (second/eighth-ninth/fifteenth centuries)
Maribel Fierro; John Tolan, 2013
Jews in Early Christian Law: Byzantium and the Latin West, 6th-11th centuries
John V. Tolan, Nicolas de Lange, Laurence Foschia, Capucine Nemo-Pekelman, 2014
Religious cohabitation in European towns (10th-15th centuries): La cohabitation religieuse dans les villes Européennes, Xe-XVe siècles
John V. Tolan; Stéphane Boissellier, 2014
Law and Religious Minorities in Medieval Societies: Between Theory and Praxis: De la teoría legal a la práctica en el derecho de las minoría religiosas en la Edad Media
Ana Echevarria, Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala, John Tolan, 2016