انتشارات U Of Minnesota Press

Re-takes: Postcoloniality and Foreign Film Languages
John Mowitt, 2005
Reading Autobiography: A Guide for Interpreting Life Narratives
Sidonie Smith, 2002
Reading De Man Reading
Lindsey Waters, 1989
Reading the Body Politic: Feminist Criticism and Latin American Women Writers
Amy K. Kaminsky, 1993
Reading The Postmodern Polity: Political Theory as Textual Practice
Michael Shapiro, 1991
Reading with Clarice Lispector
Lispector, Clarice, 1990
Readings : the poetics of Blanchot, Joyce, Kafka, Kleist, Lispector, and Tsvetayeva
Blanchot, Maurice - Critique et interprétation, 1991
Plains Country Towns
John C. Hudson, 1985
Poetic creation : inspiration or craft
Fehrman, 1980
Poisonous Mushrooms of the Northern United States and Canada
J. F. Ammarati, 1985
Political Affect: Connecting the Social and the Somatic
John Protevi, 2009
Political and Social Writings: Volume 3, 1961-1979
Cornelius Castoriadis, 1992
Political Correctness: A Response from the Cultural Left
Richard Feldstein, 1997
Political Matter: Technoscience, Democracy, and Public Life
Bruce Braun, 2010
Portugal and Brazil in Transition
Raymond S. Sayers, 1968
Postcolonial Insecurities: India, Sri Lanka, and the Question of Nationhood
Sankaran Krishna, 1999
Postcolonial Subjects: Francophone Women Writers
Mary J. Green, 1996
Postmodern Condition The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge
Jean-Francois Lyotard, 1984