انتشارات Ucl Ioe Press

Fabricate : rethinking design and construction
Glynn, Ruairi; Menges, Achim; Sheil, Bob; Skavara, Marilena, 2017
Science Policy under Thatcher
Jon Agar, 2020
Responsibility of Intellectuals: Reflections by Noam Chomsky and Others after 50 years
Nicholas Allott; Chris Knight; Neil Smith; Noam Chomsky, 2019
Scattered Finds: Archaeology, Egyptology and Museums
Alice Stevenson, 2019
The Web As History: Using Web Archives To Understand The Past And The Present
Niels Brügger, Ralph Schroeder, 2017
Socialism, Capitalism and Alternatives: Area Studies and Global Theories
Peter J. S. Duncan; Elisabeth Schimpfössl, 2019
Fabricate 2014. Negotiating Design and Making
Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler, Silke Langenberg, 2017
Bentham and the Arts
Anthony Julius; Malcolm Quinn; Philip Schofield, 2020
Re-Centring the City: Global Mutations of Socialist Modernity
Jonathan Bach, Michal Murawski, 2020
Why Icebergs Float: Exploring Science in Everyday Life
Andrew Morris, 2016
Social Theory: After The Internet Media, Technology, And Globalization
Ralph Schroeder, 2018
Consumer Data Research
James Cheshire, Paul Longley, Alex Singleton, 2018
Refuge in a Moving World: Tracing Refugee and Migrant Journeys Across Disciplines
Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (editor), 2020
Holocaust Education: Contemporary Challenges and Controversies
Stuart Foster, Andy Pearce and Alice Pettigrew (eds.), 2020
The East India Company at Home, 1757-1857
Margot Finn, 2018
Rewriting Buddhism: Pali Literature and Monastic Reform in Sri Lanka, 1157–1270
Alastair Gornall, 2020
Things That Travelled: Mediterranean Glass in the First Millennium CE
Daniela Rosenow, Matt Phelps, Andrew Meek, Ian Freestone (eds.), 2018
Researching The Powerful In Education
Geoffrey Walford (ed.), 1994
An Anthropology of Landscape: The Extraordinary in the Ordinary
Christopher Tilley; Kate Cameron-Daum, 2017
Hard Labour: The Forgotten Voices of Latvian Migrant 'Volunteer' Workers
Linda McDowell, 2005
Eurodrugs: Drug Use, Markets And Trafficking In Europe
Vincenzo Ruggiero, 1995