انتشارات Ucl Press

Las Redes Sociales en el Norte de Chile
Nell Haynes, 2019
Comparative Perspectives on the Rise of the Brazilian Novel
Ana Cláudia Suriani da Silva; Sandra Guardini Vasconcelos, 2020
Making Place: State Projects, Globalisation and Local Responses in China
Stephan Feuchtwang (editor), 2004
Botticelli Past and Present
Ana Debenedetti, Caroline Elam, 2020
Renaissance Fun: The Machines behind the Scenes
Philip Steadman, 2021
The Question of Conscience: Higher Education and Personal Responsibility
David Watson, 2014
Karl Popper, Science And Enlightenment
Nicholas Maxwell, 2017
Viral Loads: Anthropologies of Urgency in the Time of COVID-19
Lenore Manderson, Nancy J. Burke, Ayo Wahlberg, 2022
The Spectral Arctic: A History of Ghosts and Dreams in Polar Exploration
Shane McCorristine, 2018
From Conflict to Inclusion in Housing: Interaction of Communities, Residents and Activists
Graham Cairns; Georgios Artopoulos; Kirsten Day, 2017
Rethinking the AndesAmazonia Divide
Adrian J. Pearce, David G. Beresford-Jones, Paul Heggarty, 2020
Environment and Post-Soviet Transformation in Kazakhstans Aral Sea Region
William Wheeler, 2021
Community-Led Regeneration: A Toolkit for Residents and Planners
Daniel Fitzpatrick, 2020
Shaping Urban Futures in Mongolia: Ulaanbaatar, Dynamic Ownership and Economic Flux
RebekaRebekah Plueckhahn, 2020
Rethinking Urban Risk and Resettlement in the Global South
Cassidy Johnson; Garima Jain; Allan Lavell, 2021
Ethnographic Experiments with Artists, Designers and Boundary Objects
Francisco Martínez, 2021
Conflict, heritage and world-making in the Chaco : war at the end of the worlds?
Esther Breithoff, 2020
Heritage Conservation and Social Engagement
Renata Peters, Iris den Boer, Jessica Johnson, Susanna Pancaldo, 2020
American Cities in Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction
Robert Yeates, 2021
Grey area : regulating Amsterdam's coffeeshops
Scott Thomas Jacques, 2019
Citizenship, Democracy and Belonging in Suburban Britain
David Jeevendrampillai, 2021
American Cities In Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction
Robert Yeates, 2021
Developing a Sense of Place: The Role of the Arts in Regenerating Communities
Tamara Ashley, Alexis Weedon, 2020