انتشارات United Nations (un)

After Mass Crime: Rebuilding States and Communities
United Nations University, Beatrice Pouligny, Simon Chesterman, Albrecht Schnabel, 2007
After Mass Crime: Rebuilding States and Communities
United Nations University, Beatrice Pouligny, Simon Chesterman, Albrecht Schnabel, 2007
Air Pollution and Citizen Awareness
United Nations, 2004
Asia and Africa in the Global Economy
United Nations, 2003
Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Review, December 2006
United Nations, 2007
Enhancing Participation And Governance in Water Resources Management: Conventional Approaches And Information Technology
Libor Jansky, Juha I. Uitto, 2006
Human Development Report 2007/2008: Fighting Climate Change - Human Solidarity in a Divided World
United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Development Program, 2007
The global investigative journalism casebook
edited by Mark Lee Hunter., 2012
Achieving global sustainability: policy recommendations
Takamitsu Sawa, Susumu Iai, Seiji Ikkatai (editors), 2011
A Glossary of Terms for Un Delegates
Ronald A. Walker, Brook Boyer, 2005
Achieving Results: Performance Budgeting in the Least Developed Countries
Ronald McGill, 2006
Conflict Prevention: Path to Peace or Grand Illusion
United Nations, 2003
Information And Communication Technology for Peace: The Role of Ict in Preventing, Responding to And Recovering from Conflict
Paul Currion, Daniel Stauffacher, 2005
2000 Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook
United Nations, 2003
Living with risk: a global review of disaster reduction initiatives, Volume 1
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, 2004
Democracy, Governance, and Economic Performance: East and Southeast Asia (The Changing Nature of Democracy)
Ian Marsh, Jean Blondel, Takashi Inoguchi, eds., 2000
A Manual on the Essential Oil Industry
Africa Environment Outlook: Our Environment, Our Wealth
The United Nations Editors, 2006