انتشارات Univ Of Nebraska Press

Chance, Love, and Logic: Philosophical Essays
Charles Sanders Peirce, 1998
The 1870 Ghost Dance
Cora Du Bois, 2007
Divorce: An American Tradition
Glenda Riley, 1997
Forgotten tribes: unrecognized Indians and the federal acknowledgment process
Mark Edwin Miller, 2004
Heideggerian Marxism
Herbert Marcuse, 2005
Before Boas: The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German Enlightenment
Han F. Vermeulen, 2015
Human Rights and Diversity: Area Studies Revisited (Human Rights in International Perspective)
David P. Forsythe, 2004
Black Mayors, White Majorities: The Balancing Act of Racial Politics
Ravi Perry, 2014
If You Don’t Go, Don’t Hinder Me: The African American Sacred Song Tradition
Bernice Johnson Reagon, 2001
Minister to the Cherokees: a Civil War autobiography
James Anderson Slover, 2001
Contemporary Comics Storytelling
Karin Kukkonen, 2013
Lamb Bright Saviors
Robert Vivian, 2010
Forever fat: essays by the Godfather
Lee Gutkind, 2003
Chevato: The Story of the Apache Warrior Who Captured Herman Lehmann (American Indian Lives)
William Chebahtah, 2007
Stalinism and Nazism: History and Memory Compared
Henry Rousso, 2004