انتشارات Univ. Of Georgia Press

Victory at Home: Manpower and Race in the American South During World War II
Charles D. Chamberlain, 2003
Don DeLillo: The Physics of Language
David Cowart, 2003
When Roots Die: Endangered Traditions on the Sea Islands
Patricia Jones-Jackson; Charles Joyner, 1987
American Wars, American Peace : Notes from a Son of the Empire
Philip D. Beidler, 2007
Creating the Big Easy : New Orleans and the Emergence of Modern Tourism, 1918-1945
Anthony J. Stanonis, 2006
Atlanta and Environs: A Chronicle of Its People and Events, 1820s-1870s
Franklin M. Garrett, 1969
Baptized in Blood: The Religion of the Lost Cause, 1865-1920
Charles Reagan Wilson, 2009
Sea Turtles of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States
Carol Ruckdeschel; C. Robert Shoop; Meg Hoyle, 2006
John Oliver Killens : A Life of Black Literary Activism
Keith Gilyard, 2010
Disturbing Development in the Jim Crow South
Mona Domosh, 2023
Everybody Sing!: Community Singing in the American Picture Palace
Esther M. Morgan-Ellis, 2018
Ulrich Bonnell Phillips: a Southern historian and his critics
John David Smith, John C. Inscoe, 1993
Southern writers in the modern world
Donald Davidson, 1958