انتشارات Univ. Of Illinois

The Anthropology of Experience
Victor W Turner, 1986
The Anthropology of Experience
Victor W Turner, 2001
The Methodical Memory: Invention in Current-Traditional Rhetoric
Sharon Crowley, 2010
From Violence to Vision: Sacrifice in the Works of Marguerite Yourcenar
Joan E. Howard, 1992
The Panama Canal in American politics: domestic advocacy and the evolution of policy
J. Michael Hogan, 1986
Life metaphors: stories of ordinary survival
Catherine Sullivan Norton, 1989
Robert Coover: the universal fictionmaking process
Lois G. Gordon, 1983
The Study of Ethnomusicology: Thirty-one Issues and Concepts
Bruno Nettl, 2005
Modern Invention of Information: Discourse, History and Power
Associate Professor Ronald E Day, 2001
What's Your Road, Man?: Critical Essays on Jack Kerouac's On the Road
Hilary Holladay, 2008
Fichte, Marx, and the German philosophical tradition
Tom Rockmore, 1980
The Rhetoric of Cool: Composition Studies and New Media
Jeff Rice, 2007
Spike Lee
Todd McGowan, 2014
Mary Lincoln's insanity case : a documentary history
Lincoln, Abraham, 2012
The professors like vodka
Harold Loeb, 1974
Judging Lincoln
Frank J. Williams, 2002
Yankee Twang: Country and Western Music in New England
Clifford R. Murphy, 2014
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: Echoes of the Bible and Book of Common Prayer
A. E. Elmore, 2009
Beyond the Archives: Research as a Lived Process
Gesa E Kirsch, 2008
In form, digressions on the act of fiction
Ronald Sukenick, 1985
Butoh: Metamorphic Dance and Global Alchemy
Sondra Fraleigh, 2010
Introduction to Graph Theory Second Edition (2001) - Solution Manual
Douglas B. West, 2005