انتشارات Univ. Of Illinois

Assassins against the Old Order: Italian Anarchist Violence in Fin de Siecle Europe
Nunzio Pernicone, Fraser Ottanelli, 2018
Gallus Dressler's Praecepta musicae poeticae
Gallus Dressler; Robert Forgacs, 2007
Splattered Ink: Postfeminist Gothic Fiction and Gendered Violence
Sarah E Whitney, 2016
Hollywood and Broadcasting: From Radio to Cable
Michele Hilmes, 1990
Dancing Revolution: Bodies, Space, and Sound in American Cultural History
Christopher J. Smith, 2019
Dancing Revolution: Bodies, Space, and Sound in American Cultural History
Christopher J. Smith, 2019
Making Sense of American Liberalism
Jonathan Bell, Timothy Stanley, 2012
The Flagg Correspondence: Selected Letters, 1816-1854
Barbara Lawrence and Nedra Branz [editors], 1986
Eisenstein, Cinema, and History
James Goodwin, 1993
Women at Work in Twenty-First-Century European Cinema
Barbara Mennel, 2019
Women at Work in Twenty-First-Century European Cinema
Mennel, Barbara;, 2019
The Sublime Crime: Fascination, Failure, and Form in Literature of the Enlightenment
Stephanie Barbe Hammer, 1994
Sweet Dreams: The World of Patsy Cline
Warren R. Hofstra, 2013
Of G-Men and Eggheads: The FBI and the New York Intellectuals
John Rodden, 2017
Thunder from the Right: Ezra Taft Benson in Mormonism and Politics
Matthew L. Harris, 2019
Surrender: Feminist Rhetoric and Ethics in Love and Illness
Jessica Restaino, 2019
George Szell: A Life of Music
Michael Charry, 2011