انتشارات Univ. Of Notre Dame Pr.

Open Your Heart : Religion and Cultural Poetics of Greater Mexico
David P. Sandell, 2015
The Inner Word in Gadamer's Hermeneutics
John Arthos, 2009
Religion and the Rise of Modern Culture
Louis Dupré, 2008
Saints As They Really Are : Voices of Holiness in Our Time
Michael Plekon, 2012
Eternal Consciousness
John S. Dunne, 2012
Crisis of Modern Times: Perspectives from the Review of Politics, 1939-1962
A. James McAdams (editor), 2007
Icons of Hope : The Last Things in Catholic Imagination
John E. Thiel, 2013
Times Beach
John Shoptaw, 2015
Friendship and Politics : Essays in Political Thought
John von Heyking; Richard Avramenko, 2008
Liberal Faith : Essays in Honor of Philip Quinn
Paul J. Weithman, 2008
The English Martyr from Reformation to Revolution
Alice Dailey, 2012
Metropolitan Governance in the Federalist Americas : Strategies for Equitable and Integrated Development
Peter K. Spink; Peter M. Ward; Robert H. Wilson, 2012
Recovering Solidarity : Lessons from Poland's Unfinished Revolution
Gerald Beyer, 2010
Strange Words : Retelling and Reception in the Medieval Roland Textual Tradition
Margaret Jewett Burland, 2012
Explorations in the Theology of Benedict XVI
John C. Cavadini, 2013
Against All England : Regional Identity and Cheshire Writing, 1195-1656
Robert W. Barrett, 2009
Contested Territory : Mapping Peru in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Heidi V. Scott, 2009
Living Dangerously : On the Margins in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Barbara A. Hanawalt; Anna Grotans, 2007
Aspiring to Fullness in a Secular Age : Essays on Religion and Theology in the Work of Charles Taylor
Carlos D. Colorado; Justin Klassen, 2014
Symbolic Caxton : Literary Culture and Print Capitalism
William Kuskin, 2008
Adventures in Unfashionable Philosophy
James Felt, 2009