انتشارات Univers

Songs of the harsh devotee : the Tevaram of Cuntaramurttinayanar
Cuntarar.; David Dean Shulman, 1990
O istorie sinceră a poporului român
Florin Constantiniu, 2011
Literatura japoneză
Donald Keene, 1991
Muncile lui Persiles si ale Sigismundei
Miguel De Cervantes, 1980
Gendered realities : essays in Caribbean feminist thought
Patricia Mohammed, 2002
Assimilation or independence? : prospects for Martinique
Richard D. E. Burton, 1978
The Economic Development of East and Southeast Asia
Shinichi Ichimura (1974) The Econ Dev of E and SE Asia, 1975
În fine, acasă! Note zilnice: decembrie 1989 - decembrie 1990
Ion Rațiu, 1999
Learning and Behavior: A Contemporary Synthesis
Mark E. Bouton, 2016
Animal Behavior
Dustin R. Rubenstein, John Alcock, 2018
F. Harvey Pough, Robin M. Andrews, Martha L. Crump, Alan H. Savitzky, Kentwood D. Wells, Matthew C. Brandley, 2015
The tyranny of heaven: Milton's rejection of God as king /
Michael Bryson., c2004.
Fundamentals of Plant Physiology
Lincoln Taiz, Eduardo Zeiger, Ian Max Møller, Angus Murphy, 2018
Political Dynamics and Crisis in Punjab
Surendra Chopra; Paul Wallace, 1988
Lexikon der altpreussischen Verben
Wojciech Smoczynski, 2005
Chinese painting colors : studies on their preparation and application in traditional and modern times
Feian Yu, Jerome Silbergeld, Amy McNair, 1988
Expunere și Interpretare
Walter Biemel, 1987
Science in Germany: The Intersection of Institutional and Intellectual Issues
Kathryn Mary Olesko (editor), 1989
Nuevas perspectivas en la organización política wari
Krzysztof Makowski, Miłosz Giersz (eds.), William Isbell, Patricia Knobloch, Willy Yépez, Justin Jennings, Tiffiny Tung, Francesca Fernandini, Grace Alexandrino, Miłosz Giersz, Shinya Watanabe, Martha Cabrera, José Ochatoma, Krzysztof Makowski (auts.), 2016
Anais do II Seminário Internacional América Latina: política e conflitos contemporâneos. Tema: Colonialidade, Poder e Territórios
Edna Maria Ramos de Castro, Suely Rodrigues Alves (organizadoras), 2017
Eseuri filosofice, vol. 1
Richard Rorty, 2000
证券投资实务 (Practice of Portfolio Investment)
Xue Tong, 2013
Eseuri filosofice, vol. 1
Richard Rorty, 2000