انتشارات Universities Press

Teach Yourself Finnish
Arthur H. Whitney, 1956
Teach Yourself The Slide Rule
Burns Snodgrass, 1955
The History Of Science From 1895 To 1945
Ray Spangenburg, Diane K Moser, 1999
The History Of Science From 1946 To 1990's
Ray Spangenburg, Diane K Moser, 1999
N.A.V. Piercy, 1947
A hot story
G Venkataraman, 1994
A Course in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1 and 2
Derek F. Lawden, 1960
A Course in Applied Mathematics, Vol.1, 2
Derek F. Lawden, 1960
A Course in Applied Mathematics, Vols 1 & 2
Derek F. Lawden, 1960
Intuitive Topology
V. V. Prasolov, 1998
Teach Yourself Trigonometry
B.A. P. ABBOTT, 1967
Chandrasekhar and His Limit
Einstein in 90 Minutes: (1879-1955) (Scientists in 90 Minutes Series)
John Gribbin, 1997
Faraday in 90 Minutes (Scientists in 90 Minutes Series)
John Gribbin, 1997
Constantine and the Conversion of Europe
Arnold Hugh Martin Jones, 1965
Cybernetics and Management
Stafford Beer, 1959
Everyday French
N. Scarlyn Wilson, 1940
French Reader
N. Scarlyn Wilson, 1970
A Stroll Through the Worlds of Animals and Men: A Picture Book of Invisible Worlds
Jakob von Uexküll, 1934
Measurements and Quantum Probabilities
M.D.Srinivas, 2001
Measurements and quantum probabilities
Srinivas M. D., 2001
Measurements and quantum probabilities
M D Srinivas, 2001
Medical Technology
Lisa Yount, 1999