انتشارات University Of Minnesota

Restructuring World Politics: Transnational Social Movements, Networks, and Norms
Sanjeev Khagram, 2002
Romantic Vision, Ethical Context: Novalis and Artisitic Autonomy
Geza von Molnar, 1987
Russia and Iran 1780 - 1828
Muriel Atkin, 1980
Russian Orthodoxy Under the Old Regime
Nichols, 1978
Sacred Revolutions: Durkheim and the Collège de Sociologie
Michèle H. Richman, 2002
Sade: The Invention of the Libertine Body
Marcel Henaff, 1999
Sade: The Invention of the Libertine Body
Marcel Hénaff, 1999
Processed Foods and the Consumer: Additives, Labelling, Standards and Nutrition
Vernal S. Packard, 1976
Processed Foods and the Consumer: Additives, Labelling, Standards and Nutrition
Vernal S. Packard, 1976
Professor Wellstone Goes to Washington: The Inside Story of a Grassroots U.S. Senate Campaign
Dennis J. McGrath, 1995
Proust and Signs: The Complete Text
Gilles Deleuze, 2000
Proximity & Preference Problm CB
Golledge, 1982
Public History, Private Stories: Italian Women's Autobiography
Graziella Parati, 1996
Racial Conditions: Politics, Theory, Comparisons
Howard Winant, 1994
Radical Thought in Italy: A Potential Politics
Paolo Virno, 2006
Rape Warfare: The Hidden Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia
Beverly Allen, 1996
Re-takes: Postcoloniality and Foreign Film Languages
John Mowitt, 2005
Reading Autobiography: A Guide for Interpreting Life Narratives
Sidonie Smith, 2002
Reading De Man Reading
Lindsey Waters, 1989
Reading the Body Politic: Feminist Criticism and Latin American Women Writers
Amy K. Kaminsky, 1993
Reading The Postmodern Polity: Political Theory as Textual Practice
Michael Shapiro, 1991
Reading with Clarice Lispector
Lispector, Clarice, 1990