انتشارات University Of Amsterdam

Ostrannenie: On 'strangeness' and the Moving Image: The History, Reception, and Relevance of a Concept
Annie van den Oever, 2010
Paris-Amsterdam underground : essays on cultural resistance, subversion, and diversion
Lindner, Christoph, 2013
Players Unleashed!: Modding the Sims and the Culture of Gaming
Tanja Sihvonen, 2011
Playing the waves : Lars Von Trier's game cinema
Trier, Lars von, 2007
Policy, People, and the New Professional: De-Professionalisation and Re-Professionalisation in Care and Welfare
Jan Willem Duyvendak &, 2006
Politieke Geschriften: opstand en religievrede
D.V. Coornhert (ed. J. Gruppelaar), 2009
Postcolonial Netherlands : sixty-five years of forgetting, commemorating, silencing
Gert Oostindie, 2010
Power Politics: How China and Russia Reshape the World
Rob de Wijk, 2016
Preserving and exhibiting media art : challenges and perspectives
Hediger, Vinzenz, 2013
Purified by Blood: Honour Killings Amongst Turks in the Netherlands
Clementine van Eck, 2003
Mobile Screens: The Visual Regime of Navigation
Nanna Verhoeff, 2012
Mobility in Transition: Migration Patterns After EU Enlargement
Birgit Glorius &, 2012
Monitor Racisme and Extremisme: Negende Rapportage
Peter R. Rodrigues, 2010
More Machiavelli in Brussels: The Art of Lobbying the EU, 3rd Edition
Rinus van Schendelen, 2010
Multiregionalism and multilateralism: Asian-European relations in a global context
Sebastian Bersick, 2006
Music of the Twentieth Century
Ton de Leeuw, 2005
Music of the Twentieth Century: A Study of Its Elements and Structure
Ton de Leeuw, 2006
Mystifying the Monarch: Studies on Discourse, Power, and History
Jeroen Deploige, 2007
Nazi Soundscapes
Carolyn Birdsall, 2012
Nederland als vergaderland: opkomst en verbreiding van een vergaderregime
Wilbert van Vree, 2008