انتشارات University Of Arizona Press

Discovering Pluto: Exploration at the Edge of the Solar System
Dale P. Cruikshank, William Sheehan, 2018
Knowledge in motion : constellations of learning across time and place
Roddick, Andrew P.; Stahl, Ann Brower, 2016
Death and Dying in Colonial Spanish America
Martina Will de Chaparro; Miruna Achim, 2011
Footprints of Hopi History: Hopihiniwtiput Kukveni’at
Leigh J. Kuwanwisiwma, T. J. Ferguson, Chip Colwell, 2018
The Ecological Other: Environmental Exclusion in American Culture
Sarah Jaquette Ray, 2013
Diné Perspectives: Revitalizing and Reclaiming Navajo Thought
Lloyd Lance Lee; Gregory Cajete, 2014
Before Kukulkán: Bioarchaeology of Maya Life, Death, and Identity at Classic Period Yaxuná
Vera Tiesler et al., 2017
Walking the Clouds: An Anthology of Indigenous Science Fiction
Grace L. Dillon (ed.), 2012
Staking Claim: Settler Colonialism and Racialization in Hawai’i
Judy Rohrer, 2016
Nature Inc. : environmental conservation in the neoliberal age
Büscher, Bram; Dressler, Wolfram Heinz; Fletcher, Robert, 2014
Unsettling Mobility: Mediating Mi’kmaw Sovereignty in Post-contact Nova Scotia
Michelle Lelièvre, 2017
America’s Early Whalemen: Indian Shore Whalers on Long Island, 1650–1750
John A Strong, 2018
Dōgen Kigen : Mystical Realist
Hee-Jin Kim, 1987
Politics and Nationalist Awakening in South India, 1852-91
R. Suntharalingam, 1980
Debating American Identity: Southwestern Statehood and Mexican Immigration
Linda C. Noel, 2014
A Natural History of the Mojave Desert
Lawrence R. Walker, Frederick H. Landau, 2018
The Lives of Stone Tools: Crafting the Status, Skill, and Identity of Flintknappers
Kathryn Weedman Arthur, 2018
Discovering Pluto: Exploration at the Edge of the Solar System
Dale P. Cruikshank, William Sheehan, 2018
A Land Apart: The Southwest and the Nation in the Twentieth Century
Flannery Burke, 2017
Fighting Sprawl and City Hall: Resistance to Urban Growth in the Southwest
Michael F. Logan, 1995
Los Tucsonenses - the Mexican community in Tucson 1854-1941
Thomas E. Sheridan
Global Indigenous Health: Reconciling the Past, Engaging the Present, Animating the Future
Robert Henry; Amanda LaVallee; Nancy Van Styvendale; Robert Alexander Innes (eds.), 2018