انتشارات University Of Oklahoma

A Guide to the Indian Tribes of Oklahoma (Civilization of the American Indian)
Muriel H. Wright, 1987
California in 1792: A Spanish Naval Visit (American Exploration & Travel Series)
Donald C. Cutter, 1995
Early Fur Trade on the Northern Plains
David Thompson, John Macdonell, W. Raymond Wood, Franaois-Antoine Larocque, Charles W. McKenzie, Thomas D. Thiessen, 1985
Cash, Color, And Colonialism: The Politics Of Tribal Acknowledgment
Renee Ann Cramer, 2005
Folklore of the Winnebago tribe
David Lee Smith, 1997
Adventure in the wilderness: the American journals of Louis Antoine de Bougainville, 1756-1760
Edward Pierce Hamilton, 1990
A Religious Foundation of Human Relations: Beyond Games
George Henderson, 1977
'It's Your Misfortune and None of My Own'': A New History of the American West
Richard White, 1993
Apaches: A History and Culture Portrait
James L. Haley, 1997
A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison
James E. Seaver, 1995
Men Against Fire: The Problem of Battle Command
S. L. A. Marshall, 2000
Historical atlas of Arizona
Henry Pickering Walker, Don Bufkin, 1986
Historical atlas of Arkansas
Gerald T. Hanson, Carl H. Moneyhon, 1989
Historical Atlas of California,
Warren A. Beck, 1974
Historical Atlas of Colorado
Thomas J. Noel, Paul F. Mahoney, Richard E. Stevens, 1994
Historical Atlas of New Mexico
Warren A. Beck, Ynez D. Haase, 1989
Historical Atlas of Texas
A. Ray Stephens, William M. Holmes, 1990
Historical Atlas of the American West
Warren A. Beck, Ynez D. Haase, 1992
Annie Oakley
Shirl Kasper, 1992
The life and legacy of Annie Oakley
Glenda Riley, 1994
Buffalo soldiers and officers of the Ninth Cavalry, 1867-1898: Black & white together
Charles L. Kenner, 1999