انتشارات University Of Pennsylvania Press

Rituals of Ethnicity: Thangmi Identities Between Nepal and India
Sara Shneiderman, 2017
Beggar Thy Neighbor: A History of Usury and Debt
Charles R. Geisst, 2013
Democracy and Truth: A Short History
Sophia Rosenfeld, 2018
The Temptations of Trade: Britain, Spain, and the Struggle for Empire
Adrian Finucane, 2016
The Life of Benjamin Franklin, Volume 2: Printer and Publisher, 1730-1747
J.A. Leo Lemay, 2005
For the Love of Humanity: The World Tribunal on Iraq
Ayça Çubukçu, 2018
Mysticism: Experience, Response and Empowerment
Jess Byron Hollenback, 1996
Borderlands of Slavery: The Struggle over Captivity and Peonage in the American Southwest
William S. Kiser, 2017
After the Reformation: Essays in Honor of Jack Hexter
Barbara C. Malament (Editor), 1980
Difference of a Different Kind: Jewish Constructions of Race During the Long Eighteenth Century
Idelson-Shein, I., 2014
The Politics of Resentment: A Genealogy
Jeremy Engels, 2015
Divine Art, Infernal Machine: The Reception of Printing in the West from First Impressions to the Sense of an Ending
Elizabeth L. Eisenstein, 2011
Printing the Middle Ages
Siân Echard, 2008
Hosay Trinidad: Muharram Performances in an Indo-Caribbean Diaspora
Frank J. Korom, 2003
The Neoplatonic Socrates
Layne, Danielle A.; Tarrant, Harold, 2014
Purchasing Power: The Economics of Modern Jewish History
Rebecca Kobrin and Adam Teller (eds), 2015
Forms of Representation in Alois Riegl’s Theory of Art
Margaret Olin, 1992
Multilingual subjects: on standard English, its speakers, and others in the long eighteenth century
DeWispelare, Daniel, 2017
Mobility Makes States: Migration and Power in Africa
Vigneswaran, D.;Quirk, J., 2015
Human Rights in the Arab World. Independent Voices
Anthony Chase, Amr Hamzawy, 2008
Commerce by a Frozen Sea: Native Americans and the European Fur Trade
Ann M. Carlos, Frank D. Lewis, 2010
Measuring Shadows: Kepler’s Optics of Invisibility
Raz Chen-Morris, 2016