انتشارات University Of Pennsylvania

Crusade and Christendom: Annotated Documents in Translation from Innocent III to the Fall of Acre, 1187-1291
Jessalynn Bird, Edward Peters, James M. Powell (eds.), 2013
Writing East: The "Travels" of Sir John Mandeville
Iain Macleod Higgins, 1997
From Virile Woman to Womanchrist: Studies in Medieval Religion and Literature
Barbara Newman, 1995
The Medieval Salento: Art and Identity in Southern Italy
Linda Safran, 2014
The Book of Sainte Foy
Pamela Sheingorn (transl.), 1996
The Capture of Constantinople: The "Hystoria Constantinopolitana" of Gunther of Pairis
Gunther of Pairis, Guntherus Parisiensis, Alfred J. Andrea (transl.), 1997
The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials
Fulcher of Chartres, Fulcherius Carnotensis, Edward M. Peters (ed.), 1998
United States Penetration of Brazil
Jan Knippers Black, 1977
Democracy in Crisis: The Neoliberal Roots of Popular Unrest
Boris Vormann; Christian Lammert; Susan H Gillespie, 2019
China Hand: An Autobiography
John Paton Davies Jr., 2012
Akhmatova’s Petersburg
Sharon Leiter, 1983
Sea of Silk: A Textile Geography of Women’s Work in Medieval French Literature
E. Jane Burns, 2009
Sea of Silk: A Textile Geography of Women’s Work in Medieval French Literature
E. Jane Burns, 2009
Law and the Illicit in Medieval Europe
Ruth Mazo Karras; Joel Kaye; E. Ann Matter, 2010
Grammar and Christianity in the Late Roman World
Catherine M. Chin, 2007
Used Books: Marking Readers in Renaissance England
William H. Sherman, 2008
An Empire of Air and Water: Uncolonizable Space in the British Imagination, 1750–1850
Siobhan Carroll, 2015
Romantic Marks and Measures: Wordsworth’s Poetry in Fields of Print
Julia S. Carlson, 2017
Music for the Revolution: Musicians and Power in Early Soviet Russia
Amy Nelson, 2004
A Brief History of Doom: Two Hundred Years of Financial Crises
Richard Vague, 2019
The Ways of White Women: Literary and Pedagogical Responses to Blackness
Susan E. McGrade, 2012