انتشارات University Of Toronto Press

Insurgency Online: Web Activism and Global Conflict
Michael Dartnell, 2006
Old Norse-Icelandic Studies: A Select Bibliography
Hans Bekker-Nielsen, 1967
Early English Metre
Thomas A. Bredehoft, 2005
Talking Back to the Indian Act: Critical Readings in Settler Colonial Histories
Mary-Ellen Kelm, Keith Smith, 2018
Resurgence and Reconciliation: Indigenous-Settler Relations and Earth Teachings
Michael Asch; John Borrows; James Tully, 2018
The Baroque Libretto: Italian Operas and Oratorios in the Thomas Fisher Library at the University of Toronto
Domenico Pietropaolo, 2014
Marking Time: Romanticism and Evolution
Joel Faflak, 2017
Heroic forms : Cervantes and the literature of war
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de; Rupp, Stephen, 2014
Braudel Revisited: The Mediterranean World, 1600-1800
Gabriel Piterberg, Teofilo Ruiz, Geoffrey Symcox, 2010
Politics of Energy Dependency: Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania between Domestic Oligarchs and Russian Pressure
Margarita M. Balmaceda, 2013
Medieval England, 500-1500: A Reader
Emilie Amt; Katherine Allen Smith, 2018
Blackfoot Dictionary of Stems, Roots, and Affixes
Donald G. Frantz, Norma Jean Russell, 2017
Capitalism and Classical Social Theory
John Bratton, David Denham, 2014
Making North America: Trade, Security, and Integration
James A. Thompson, 2014
The Politics of Eloquence: David Hume’s Polite Rhetoric
Marc Hanvelt, 2017
Anthropology Matters
Shirley A. Fedorak, 2017
Natural Law Modernized
David Braybrook, 2016
The Idea of Enlightenment: A Postmortem Study
Robert C Bartlett, 2016
Dialogues of Love
Leone Ebreo, Damian Bacich, Rosella Pescatori, 2009
Vengeance in Medieval Europe: A Reader
Daniel Lord Smail; Kelly Lyn Gibson, 2009