انتشارات University Of West Virginia Press

The Wild Within: Histories of a Landmark British Zoo
Andrew Flack, 2018
A Cultural History of Underdevelopment: Latin America in the U.S. Imagination
John Patrick Leary, 2016
Tropical Apocalypse: Haiti and the Caribbean End Times
Martin Munro, 2015
Exodus Politics: Civil Rights and Leadership in African American Literature and Culture
Robert J. Patterson, 2013
Fathoming the Cosmos and Ordering the World
Richard J. Smith, 2008
Body and soul : a sympathetic history of American spiritualism
Cox, Robert S., 2003
Ecocritical theory : new European approaches
Goodbody, Axel; Rigby, Catherine E., 2011
Alexis de Tocqueville and Gustave de Beaumont in America
Alexis de Tocqueville, Gustave de Beaumont, 2010
Faith and Race in American Political Life
Robin Dale Jacobson and Nancy D. Wadsworth (eds.), 2012
The Pagan Writes Back-When World Religion Meets World Literature
Zhange Ni, 2015
Beyond 1776: Globalizing the Cultures of the American Revolution
Maria O’Malley; Denys Van Renen, 2018
Nietzsche on Gender: Beyond Man and Woman
Frances Nesbitt Oppel, 2005
Caribbean Discourse: Selected Essays
Edouard Glissant, 1999
Ralph Ellison and Kenneth Burke: At the Roots of the Racial Divide
Bryan Crable, 2011
Wild dog dreaming: Love and extinction
Rose, Deborah Bird, 2013
Reading Contagion: The Hazards of Reading in the Age of Print
Annika Mann, 2019
"In the Hands of a Good Providence": Religion in the Life of George Washington
Mary V. Thompson, 2008
Locating the Destitute: Space and Identity in Caribbean Fiction
Stanka Radović, 2014
Shakespeare’s Ocean: An Ecocritical Exploration
Dan Brayton, 2012
Victorian Poets and the Changing Bible
Charles LaPorte, 2011