انتشارات University Press Of America.

Aquinas the Augustinian
Michael Dauphinais (editor), Barry David (editor), Matthew Levering (editor), 2007
Aquinas on the Divine Ideas as Exemplar Causes
Gregory T. Doolan, 2008
The Sources of Christian Ethics
Servais Pinckaers, 1995
Reason Fulfilled by Revelation: The 1930s Christian Philosophy Debates in France
Gregory B. Sadler (editor), 2011
The God of Faith and Reason: Foundations of Christian Theology
Robert Sokolowski, 1995
The Orphans of Byzantium: Child Welfare in the Christian Empire
Timothy S. Miller, 2003
The Virtues
John H. Garvey, 2022
Anti-Judaism and Christian Orthodoxy: Ephrem's Hymns in Fourth-Century Syria
Christine Shepardson, 2008
Boethius and Aquinas
Ralph McInerny (author), 2012
Augustine in His Own Words
William Harmless, 2010
Sacrifice as Gift: Eucharist, Grace, and Contemplative Prayer in Maurice de la Taille
Michon M. Matthiesen, 2012
Civil Religion in Political Thought: Its Perennial Questions and Enduring Relevance in North America
Ronald Weed (editor), John Von Heyking (editor), 2010
History of the Church
Rufinus of Aqualeia, 2017
Christian Faith and the Theological Life
Romanus Cessario, 1996
Christian and Pagan in the Roman Empire: The Witness of Tertullian
Robert D. Sider, 2001
St. Augustine on Marriage and Sexuality
Saint Augustine, 1996
Shaping American Catholicism: Maryland and New York, 1805-1915
Robert Emmett Curran, 2012
Ressourcement Thomism: Sacred Doctrine, the Sacraments, and the Moral Life
Reinhard Hütter (editor), Matthew Levering (editor), 2010
Sacred Boundaries: Religious Coexistence and Conflict in Early Modern France
Keith P. Luria, 2005
Christ Our Hope: An Introduction to Eschatology
Paul O'Callaghan, 2011
Receiving Søren Kierkegaard: The Early Impact and Transmission of His Thought
Habib C. Malik, 1997