انتشارات Ussr Academy Of Sciences

Learning About Assessment, Learning Through Assessment
Mark Driscoll, 1998
Materials and man's needs: Materials science and engineering; summary report
National Academy of Sciences (U.S.), 1980
On the foundations of relativistic cosmology
H. P. Roberston, 1929
Origin and evolution of earth : research questions for a changing planet = Origin & evolution of earth
National Academies (U.S.); National Research Council (U.S.) Board on Earth Sciences, 2008
Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants
Committee on Medical, 1977
Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants
Sheldon K. Friedlander, 1977
Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants (Medical and biologic effects of environmental pollutants)
Sheldon K. Friedlander, 1977
Reflection and Refraction of Electrons by a Crystal of Nickel
C. J Davisson, 1928
Probing Human Origins
Morris Goodman, 2002
The Slavs: Their Early History and Civilization
Francis Dvornik, 1956
An album of dated Syriac manuscripts.
Hatch, 1946
The radiochemistry of silicon
William T Mullins, 1968
Transit Asset Condition Reporting A Synthesis of Transit Practice
Brian Mccollom Stephen Berrang, 2011
The Quantum Integral and Diffraction by a Crystal
Arthur H. Nobel Laureate in Physics. COMPTON, 1923
Building an Ecologically Sustainable Society: Book of Abstracts
Indian Academy of Social Sciences
The Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals: Revised and Completed by Benjamin Sass
Nahman Avigad, 1997
William T. Butler, 1995
The Flight from Science and Reason
Professor Paul R. Gross, 1997
Towards ayurvedic biology: a decadal vision document - 2006
Valiathan, M. S, 2006
Bibliographie zum Nachleben des antiken Mythos
Kreuz, Bernhard; Aigner, Petra; Harrauer, Christine, 2016
Overcoming the old borders. Beyond the paradigm of Slovak national history
Adam Hudek (ed.), 2013
Historiography in Motion. Slovak Contributions to the 21st ICHS
Holec R., Koziak R. (eds.)., 2010
The Bodhisattva Ākāśagarbha (Kokūzō) in China and Japan
M. W. de Visser, 1931